The Peace of a Superwoman
COVID-19 brought countless challenges all over the world, but the ones most affected by it are women. Women, the unsung superheroes of the world, deal with the routine stress and yet manage to work excellently, demonstrating their superpowers in all aspects of life with a broad smile on their face. With the COVID-19 lockdown, work from home set-ups, and homeschooling, a woman’s already impossible schedule has increased two-fold.
Despite this many woman are not proud of who they have become in this journey of shelter-in-place. I was recently taking to a work peer of mine and she stamped her badge as a mom and work leader “failure”. I encouraged her because I have watched her navigate her job has a leader of a large division, wife and mother of two small children. To me, she was Wonder Woman.
From homeschooling kids to preparing three plus meals a day and working full time, they still manage to keep thing organized and maintain whatever sanity is possible in this journey “ Salute to your superpowers that no comic book or movie can every portray.
Just know, you don’t have to fake it until you make it. COVID-19 loaded women with an exceptional amount of work and family obligations. So if you are one of those superwoman, it’s no wonder you are feeling a bit burnt out or even de-motivated. So grab a cup of coffee, tea and whatever suits you right now because I have some tools that you demolish the Kryptonite in your life.
- Embrace self care — It may sound counterproductive — especially if you’re used to multitasking and keeping yourself busy — but stop doing everything at once and just take 30 minutes to walk the block or sit in the tub. Find the “you” that got lost somewhere in the pandemic.
- Learn to say “no” — Unless you’re Flash and can run at 2, 532 miles per hour, you can’t do everything at once. Prioritize what matters and say “no” to tasks irrelevant to you. You have the potential to do it all, but you must understand that you don’t have it. Involve your family in chores and assign responsibilities, so every member contributes just as much as you do. Don’t want to take my word for it? Follow my “Better Together “ Series launching on March 16 as we celebrate another superhero.
So just take off your cape and try these two easy steps for a few days. Be sure to follow me on medium or to get more tips this week on taming your superpowers.